Friday, October 31, 2008

The Windows App.

So, I have been working on a windows applicaiton (program) to calculate the GI of a meal and attempt to graph the relationship between the breakdown of carbs and the effects of insulin. I have been working to get the correct 'shape' of each curve and need to continue to tweak the length and/or height of the curve to get a more realistic breakdown. The GI will obviously affect the graph of the carbs. Eventually, I would like to be able to have various factors affect the insuling curve, such as physical or mental activity, health, amount of sun, etc along with shot location... Oh, the yellow line you can barely see is the Lantus or long term insulin, which is a seperate factor in the mix.

The program will allow you to build the meal and input activities and other information, then it will calculate the shot she needs and graph the information. The user would then see the graph and would be able adjust the curve, by adding some high or low GI food to 'fix' it. We have been using this for Ryann, giving her a couple of life-savors for quick sugar and then adding those carbs to the dinner shot, preventing the low at 9 or 10 pm, which we treat, causing the high in the morning... You can see the main screen somewhere on this post...
I'm just staring this program and will be updating the status of the project... I have been working with my daughter at controlling her diabetes for a little over a year and have lots to learn. Please feel free to post comment or suggesting to me...

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